Facebook Marketing Tips for Chiropractors

So you've set up a Facebook business page for your practice and roped in a few new followers here and there. Unfortunately you're not seeing any new business out of it. What gives?

Setting up a Facebook page and ignoring all the other facets of online marketing simply isn't an effective promotional strategy. To fully leverage the incredible reach of Facebook and turn it into a true lead generation platform, you'll need a focused plan and consistent effort. Fortunately for you, we spoke with several of the best Facebook marketers today and got them to give us a peek behind the curtain.

I'd like to offer a special shoutout to two of our contributors who really went above and beyond when putting together their lists of helpful Facebook marketing tips.

The first goes to Burton Kelso of Integral. He put together a fantastic list of helpful hints which I'm sure you'll love. In fact, the first six items in the below list of tips come from Burton. You can call him at 888-256-0829 or visit his website if you need any IT help. Thanks Burton!

The second shoutout goes to Serafino Paul Mazza IV, the Founder and CEO of Paolo Culaccino. He provided items 7 through 11 on the below list. Please do yourself a favor and check out the amazing fine leather wallets he offers on his site or learn about some of his other upcoming fine leather products. Thanks Serafino!

1. Share Your Unique, Memorable Story

“People do business with people they know like and trust and this is especially true for Chiropractors. You can tout being the best Chiropractor, but if people don't know you or trust you, they are not going to do business with you. If you want people to feel comfortable with you, you need to share who you are, what your business identity is and tell your story. Where did you go on vacation? How did you celebrate your birthday? When are the birthdays and anniversaries for your employees? These are the things people want to know.”

By Burton Kelso of Integral

2. Your Social Media Should Be an Experience, Don’t Just Sell a Product or Service

“When you sell on social media, you're on a way way ticket to social media hell. Those algorithms on all of the social media channels will seek out your sales posts and shut you down. Truth be told, no one really cares about you or your business. People really care about the problems they face. Be someone who is going to solve those problems. Make posts that will entertain and educate. Share tips that will help people stay in alignment. Health and wellness tips are always great and be sure to share those success stories of people who have had chiropractic care and are living better lives.”

By Burton Kelso of Integral

3. Learn How to Post Effectively

“Posting at the right time is always important. The best time to post on all of the social media platforms is right after lunch and in the early evenings. It's when we gravitate to our phones and tablets.”

By Burton Kelso of Integral

4. Go Live Today!

“If you haven't done a live streaming video for your business, you are missing out on a big chunk of social media. Did you know when you go live on any one of the social media channels, you posts reach up to as many as 5 times more people. All of the platforms love videos and the more you do, the further your reach. What should your chiropractic office do? Best types of vidoes are ‘getting to know you videos', sharing tips and other informative information' and ‘Live event videos' . Best thing about live vidoes is that they can be saved and latter uploaded to YouTube … allowing you to have your on Chiropractic YouTube Channel.”

By Burton Kelso of Integral

5. Keep Your Branding Consistent

“Update all of your pages with professional headshot photos and create a banner that will be displayed on all of your pages. Your banner should clearly state what your business does and how you help people. Banners are important because people only stay on business pages for 6 seconds. You need something eye grabbing. Have a limited budget for creating graphics? Use Canva to design banners. Canva is free and is a great tool to use to create banners and graphics for your social media posts.”

By Burton Kelso of Integral

6. Don't Let Social Media Consume You

“With so many platforms out there, it can been hard to keep up with the pages for your chiropractic business. One post a day on all of your channels is a great way to get started. Try to post during peak times to get great exposure. Also, if you struggle posting on multiple platforms, concentrate on just using Facebook and Instagram. Facebook owns Instagram and Instagram allows you to share your Instagram posts on Facebook… allowing you to kill two birds with one stone.”

By Burton Kelso of Integral

7. Get An Instagram

“I know that this particular article is about Facebook, but Instagram is owned by Facebook and having an Instagram page is an excellent way to complement your Facebook marketing efforts.”

By Serafino Paul Mazza IV of Paolo Culaccino

8. Use Video Content

“Facebook uses an algorithm that decides whether or not they are going to show your Facebook ad or post a large number of people. The number of people Facebook will allow your post to reach greatly depends on the type of content you use. Video content is very popular on Facebook and therefore Facebook is willing to show your post to more people.”

By Serafino Paul Mazza IV of Paolo Culaccino

9. Transcribe your Videos

“Almost 90% of people watch videos on Facebook with the volume off. Don't let them miss out on what your video is saying.”

By Serafino Paul Mazza IV of Paolo Culaccino

10. Don't write “Comment and Share”

“This may seem counter-intuitive but it all comes back to the algorithm. You don't want your content to sound spammy or needy. Instead, ask people questions. Or, if you'd still like to ask people to comment and share, add that text to an image before posting.”

By Serafino Paul Mazza IV of Paolo Culaccino

11. Read No B.S. Direct Marketing by Dan Kennedy

“It an excellent read for anyone running a private practice. This book explains additional ways for you to market your private practice.”

By Serafino Paul Mazza IV of Paolo Culaccino

12. Facebook Auto Chat

“If you've gotten a hard won impression on your Facebook Business page – meaning someone has found your specific practice and is viewing your page – don't let it go to waste. Engage page visitors immediately with the automatic chat feature. This will show page visitors a chat box when they hit your Facebook page, so they can ask questions, enquire about your services or make an appointment online. Its a fantastic way to get people visiting your page from boosted posts or other advertising activity to engage and understand your offerings more deeply.”

By Khaleelah E Jones of Careful Feet Digital Agency

13. Dinner With The Doctor

“My agency works with several chiropractors across the country to generate leads via form fill ads on Facebook. We promote a monthly ‘Dinner with the Doctor' which is a free dinner held once a month by the chiropractic office. During the dinner, the doctor does a brief presentation and their staff is present to book appointments on the spot. We then run remarketing ads to target the dinner attendees that did not book at the event to encourage them to follow up.”

By Mel Cagle of Clicks & Clients

14. Again…Don't Forget Instagram

“Don't forget that Instagram exists within the Facebook advertising ecosystem. That is, you can achieve more targeted reach, lower CPC, and higher CTR by experimenting with Instagram Story ads. Invest in a piece of content that answers a commonly asked chiropractor question; self-publish this on your website then run an Instagram Story ad campaign to this page. But that's not all! What you want to do is to use the Facebook pixel to do two things (i) retarget everyone who visited the page with a unique offer via a second set of Facebook newsfeed ads and; (ii) build a lookalike audience using Facebook Business Manager so that future ads can target the right audience straight away.”

By Ketan Pande of GoodVitae


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