You might be a legal expert, but how are your marketing chops? If you’re like most, they could probably use some work – here’s where you should start.

You’ve probably considered working out a marketing plan for your law firm on at least one occasion – and if you haven’t, you really should. Thanks to technology like the Internet, the market is absolutely saturated with rivals. That’s as true in the legal industry as in any other.

With that in mind, how effectively you can get the word out about your firm and how well you can differentiate it in the eyes of your audience is critical. That’s why figuring out a cohesive plan for marketing your firm is every bit as important as a business plan. You need to figure out how you’ll engage with prospective clients – and hold the attention of current ones.

That all starts with developing a framework. You need to figure out what your purpose is – what are your goals in marketing your firm? You need to know what the plan will actually involve. And finally, you need to figure out how you’ll execute.

The most important element of this plan is your content. It is, beyond any shadow of a doubt, the most important ingredient in gaining exposure. If you can get the content right, everything else will fall into place.

But aside from hosting on a decent website, what exactly is involved in ‘getting it right?’

Good Content is Targeted

The first thing you need to do before you even think of kicking off your marketing efforts is to gain an understanding of your audience. Who is your law firm marketing to? Start with broad strokes.

If you’re an accident and injury claims firm, you’ll be targeting anyone who’s been injured by an accident in the region where you operate. From there, you can narrow it down to specific types of accidents based on your specialization. You can then further focus your marketing to a certain set of ‘ideal’ demographics.

What kind of clients do you want to attract? Do you want to target a certain age range? A certain income bracket? This will change the language and tone of your content – though it’s worth mentioning that you shouldn’t shoot too narrow.

Good Content is Only as Long as it Needs to Be

Modern users don’t have a great deal of patience for ridiculously long marketing blurbs or needlessly complicated product copy. Generally speaking, you need to keep your content short and sweet. Get straight to the point with it, and don’t mince words.

Good Content is More than Written Copy

A good marketing plan doesn’t just incorporate written copy. It mixes in images, videos, and a range of other rich media. It offers diversity, and that diversity enriches the experience of its audience. Mind you, it is possible to create high-quality content that exclusively uses text – content that doesn’t benefit from other forms of rich media.

At the same time, visual content generally tends to outperform written, and copy that’s supported by high-quality media tends to perform far better than if it were simply words on a page.

Good Content is Coherent and High-Quality

Not every lawyer is a writer – and that’s perfectly okay. People aren’t hiring you for your spelling or grammar. They’re hiring you for your expertise.

At the same time, that doesn’t mean you can afford to be lax with your writing. If you aren’t mechanically skilled enough to organize your content logically and write at a high level, you need to hire someone who is. Because at the end of the day, if given the choice between a law firm that markets itself professionally and one whose marketing is riddled with spelling mistakes, it’s pretty obvious who your clients will want to choose.

More important than quality, however, is that your content must offer something of value to its readers. What that entails is up to you – but generally in your case, it will likely amount to legal advice in some form.

Good Content is Shareable

Last but certainly not least, we’re living in an era of social media. The content you create should be shareable through social channels like Twitter or Facebook. And in the event that it isn’t, you should create social posts to augment it.

Social is the most powerful marketing tool in your repertoire, after all. You’d be remiss not to leverage it.

Market Well

You need to get the word out about your firm, and you need a solid marketing plan to do so. Follow the advice outlined here, and you’ll be able to create valuable, high-quality content that grabs the attention of exactly who you want it to.

Ryan B. Bormaster is the managing attorney at Bormaster Law. The law firm practices in a number of areas but specializes in 18 Wheeler Accidents, Accidents with Commercial Vehicles such as Work Trucks and Catastrophic Injuries of all kinds.


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